Mini Hoge : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Mini Hoge


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Listing Date

10 Oct, 2021


0xecF43567275cD8 ...    

Mini Hoge Coin Informations

Mini Hoge description

🔥🕶🚀 Mini Hoge 🚀🕶🔥 From the same developers as Baby Hoge, we bring to you Mini Hoge! With XRP rewards and a fair-launch platform, we aim at picking up where we left off, but with more experience and superb tactics! Baby Hoge is a project that reached millions at launch with LP locked for 100 years. Due to being the first project, the team was able to grasp the concepts for a successful token and what needed to be changed for the future. With that, they renounced contract, burned the marketing wallets, dev wallets, and let the community take over. That lets you know the potential of Mini Hoge, and how safe you are in the hands of the founder. A new poll conducted by digital asset investment firm CoinShares shows close to half of investors believe a single crypto asset now has the highest upside potential, XRP. Not only can you moon with us at Mini Hoge, but you will gain XRP just for holding! 🎇Fairlaunching🎇 Tokenomics: 🎤100M Total Supply. 🥇8% XRP Rewards (bep20). 💵5% Allocation for LP. 📹5% Allocation for Marketing. 👨‍🔬Dev Doxxed and Based. 🥷Anti Bot measure. Hold $50 MHOGE to receive XRP rewards hourly!

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0xecF43567275cD83a96496C2a4eB3095207caaC9A

Listing Date : 10 October, 2021

Website        : Mini Hoge official website

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