Fuck Radio Caca : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Fuck Radio Caca


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Listing Date

18 Apr, 2022


0x018713ebC3110f ...    

Fuck Radio Caca Coin Informations

Fuck Radio Caca description

Fuckity fucking shithead fucker Raca! Raca must pay! Let's fucking moon this and fuck Raca up! FUCK RADIOCACA OVERVIEW We got screwed over and over again. So let's take this shit back! You thought you were buying the dip, but it just burned you more on the way down. Enough is enough with this bullshit. We've turned on our notifications but STILL got sacked. we will develop fuck usm metaverse more successfully and faster than radiocaca because radiocaca is a scam trash FUCK UNIVERSAL METAVERSE (FUSM) Do you feel cheated after buy and hold land in the radiocaca universal metaverse token? bought at the highest price and now the land price is a dump? keep calm because in fusm the price of land cannot be monopolized by whales or developers and we will refund your losses in radiocaca tokens FUSM ROADMAP ● FUCKING NFT Marketplace - May 2022 ● FUCK Metamon Game - June 2022 ● FUCK Universal Metaverse (USM) Game Launch AND EARNING NOT ALPHA OR BETA VERSION - July 2022 "We will be announci

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x018713ebC3110f9d2370F00194330FBED713b86D

Listing Date : 18 April, 2022

Website        : Fuck Radio Caca official website

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