NUI Network (NUI) : Price, Info & Live Chart

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NUI Network



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NUI Network Price Chart (NUI)










Listing Date

11 Jun, 2023


0xb58705f7ab5b1d ...    

NUI Network Coin Informations

NUI Network description

Token Name: NUI Network
Symbol: NUI
Decimals: 18
Contract Address: 0xB58705F7AB5B1d2B606726AA8de84eBa42B7D9f4
Launched: 11/06/2023

Experience the Potential of NUI Network, a groundbreaking crypto token with a bright future. With a low market capitalization and the possibility of 1000x returns, NUI presents an exciting investment opportunity.

Rest assured, NUI Network is built on a foundation of transparency and security. We take pride in assuring our investors that there is no HoneyPot feature or blacklist associated with our token.

To join the NUI Network revolution, purchase NUI tokens on PancakeSwap, the popular decentralized exchange. You can find our token using the following link: [PancakeSwap link].

By becoming an early investor, you can benefit from acquiring NUI tokens at the lowest price, maximizing your potential gains in the long run.

NUI Network stands out with its verified contract, ensuring reliability and trustworthiness. Additionally, our liquidity is locked, providing stability to our investors. We want everyone to have equal access to NUI tokens, which is why we have not conducted any private sales.

Embrace the opportunity to be part of NUI Network's success. Invest today and position yourself for significant growth in the crypto market.

Coin Summary

Ticker           : NUI

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0xb58705f7ab5b1d2b606726aa8de84eba42b7d9f4

Listing Date : 11 June, 2023

Website        : NUI Network official website

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