Viola Token : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Viola Token


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Listing Date

31 Jul, 2022


0x83CC4475ece8e7 ...    

Viola Token Coin Informations

Viola Token description

Viola is the first token in support of women’s rights that aims to create the largest community in the crypto world! Be part of the #VIOLAGUARDIANS Community! Magical Viola(TM) is a cute masked heroine who aims to become viral and available into different fields: Web, NFTs, cosplay, anime, video games, metaverse and much more. You will meet this sweet magical heroine everywhere (and she will be also a real person with a touch of mystery). Stay updated, join Discord & Telegram and follow the official social channels of Viola Token. Viola also can’t wait to make her first donations to associations that fight for women rights and that are against female abuses! Be part of a new viral & global movement and be part of the magical world of Viola. Viola Token is intended to become a token of the Community and for the Community. #VIOLAGUARDIANS To The Call ! - - - VIOLA TOKEN WORLD: BSC TOKEN NFTs MARKETPLACE FOR INFLUENCERS 2D & 3D VIDEOGAMES MAGICAL VIOLA(TM) OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE VIOLAVERSE DONATIONS - - - VIOLA TOKENOMICS Total Supply: 10'000'000'000 $VIOLA Initial Burn: 50% $VIOLA 4% REWARDS 1% BUYBACK 5% MARKETING / LIQUIDITY LOCKED LIQUIDITY : since the first day for 12 months and it’s renewable. - - - The project developers are transparent and open for every Community ideas, don’t hesitate to ask everything about the token and about new Viola’s features. We are one family, the lovely Viola, and the hodlers as investors! Every long term investors are highly welcome into this magic world and into a Community that aims to be active, viral and friendly! Feel free to join Viola socials channels, partecipate in new and recurring outstanding events, be part of the Community! #VIOLAGUARDIANS

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x83CC4475ece8e7FfC7e9E0cd2904e854927E59F2

Listing Date : 31 July, 2022

Website        : Viola Token official website

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