The Chad Token : Price, Info & Live Chart

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The Chad Token


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Listing Date

13 Jun, 2021


0xea8eacce22bbb8 ...    

The Chad Token Coin Informations

The Chad Token description

A token for the meme market, no false plans for useless "use-cases" and vaporware, and no promising a lot and delivering little. A token that is a store of value based on demand, which is generated by the sentimental value and enthusiasm of a strong community bonded by memes and ideology. This isn't just another charity token, or another project trying to copy ChainLink. The only promises are: Rising demand as a store of value based on self-identification with the movement, viral memes, and Lamborghini Urus giveaways starting at a 250M marketcap.

We have verifiable locked liquidity on Pancake Swap, got listed on Coingecko within the first 24 hours of launch, and our first marketing campaign exceeded our expectations to create a 13 million market cap ATH on Day 1. This has confirmed to us that many people like our project and what we are planning to do in the future.

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0xea8eacce22bbb89709482c0100e75e7ab90f53f4

Listing Date : 13 June, 2021

Website        : The Chad Token official website

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