Shib Inaut : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Shib Inaut


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Listing Date

3 Apr, 2022


0xbcecb7a6fb8850 ...    

Shib Inaut Coin Informations

Shib Inaut description

Shib Inaut ($Shibi) is based on an automated profit and liquidity generation protocol that helps token holders earn Static Rewards while enhancing pool liquidity. This is funded by a 10% transaction fee charged from each trade (buy/sell). The protocol has a floor price that goes up forever, with all investors earning more $Shibi tokens to hold. In addition, our anti-carpet and anti-whale mechanism help to create a stable floor surface. Shib Inaut token holders also benefited from a price increase as we agreed to include $Shibi tokens in the trading system on released NFT games. In addition, we will tie up with famous streamers in the game industry to include our tokens in the idol donation system where viewers can use their tokens to give to their idol. Charitable funds representing 2% of the total supply will be used to support poor children around the world, contributing a small portion of your profits to support future generations of the world will make you happy, right?

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0xbcecb7a6fb8850a56ae8e930649d79d2e8a03cd6

Listing Date : 3 April, 2022

Website        : Shib Inaut official website

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