Salmonation : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

17 Mar, 2022


0x4841181Ae40790 ...    

Salmonation Coin Informations

Salmonation description

Salmonation Smart contracts are created on the Binance smart chain network and are managed by a team of technology and blockchain professionals and experts in the crypto asset business. Binance Smart chain is our first step to step further into the stage of the smart contract based blockchain world. Salmon chain is one part of the goal for wider development and will reach local and international markets with technology that is compatible with Ethereum virtual machine, we are very confident, that we will be able to become part of the local Token association that will be present in the Salmon chain network in the future. The technology that what we use is the same technology as developed by Ethreum , and the reason for us to develop this technology is the Algorithma which is very compatible and environmentally friendly, and has been used by some of the world's leading companies. With the presence of this Salmon chain Indonesia, we believe that we can become a big part of blockchain technology and we are ready to compete with foreign developers,(Registration By TG : @AxolotlVore).

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x4841181Ae4079072EbE83a29B718388a387169E3

Listing Date : 17 March, 2022

Website        : Salmonation official website

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