Reserve Rights Token : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

13 Nov, 2021


0x8762db106b2c2a ...    

Reserve Rights Token Coin Informations

Reserve Rights Token description

Reserve Rights Token Token Live price data The live price of Reserve Rights Token Token today is 0.018801027713989383 USD. $rsr It is down 0,00 from the last trading day! We update our USD to rsr every 10 minutes! Reserve Rights Token Has a Market Cap of 173,408,873,281,340,000 USD and is down 0,00% in the last 24H! What Is Reserve Rights Token (rsr)? Reserve aims to build a stable, decentralized, asset-backed cryptocurrency and a digital payment system that scales supply with demand and maintains 100% or more collateral backing. Ultimately, Reserve’s goal is to create a universal store of value – particularly in regions with unreliable banking infrastructure and regions where hyperinflation is an issue. The Reserve system will interact with three kinds of tokens: (1) The Reserve token (RSV), which is a stable cryptocurrency that can be held and spent the way we use normal fiat money; (2) The Reserve Rights token (RSR), a protocol token used to facilitate the stability of RSV. (3) A growing variety of tokenized real-world assets (such as other stablecoins) that are held by the Reserve smart contract to back RSV. What Is Reserve Rights Token (rsr) contract address?? The contract address for the Reserve Rights Token is 0x8762db106b2c2a0bccb3a80d1ed41273552616e8 and it can be found on eth network.

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : eth

Contract       : 0x8762db106b2c2a0bccb3a80d1ed41273552616e8

Listing Date : 13 November, 2021

Website        : Reserve Rights Token official website

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