Millionstarter : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

30 Nov, 2021


0x5e9b7100ef06d4 ...    

Millionstarter Coin Informations

Millionstarter description

๐Ÿ‘‘ MILLIONSTARTER | MST ๐Ÿ‘‘ Millionstarter, the native token of the exclusive social application Social Q ๐Ÿ‘‘ On Social Q one can meet their perfect partner, create new friendships, acquire unique business opportunities, provided with an encrypted chat, multi-chain wallet and NFT Marketplace โค๏ธ The Dating System: It has been being tested for a year now as part of the individual project. The user experience and the interface have been designed in line with our customersโ€™ needs. As a result of the testing period, we have shed light on market opportunities that will help acquire significant global market share in the dating business within 5-10 years. The combination of Phantom chat, Business and Social functions together create the Social Q platform, which will contribute to the exponential growth of the project. ๐Ÿ‘‘ Staking Bonus: Recieve a part of Millionstarter. Every month, 5% of the total income will be redistributed among MST stakers. ๐Ÿ‘‘ Transaction Fees: ๐Ÿ’ต 7% redistributed among holders ๐Ÿ’ต 6% to Liquidity Pool ๐Ÿ‘‘ Bonus System: ๐Ÿ’ต 3% Bonus over $400 USD, 6% Bonus over $1000 USD, 10% Bonus over $3500 USD ๐Ÿ’ต 10% from future purchases via affiliate links โšœ๏ธ 10% of the sold tokens will be rebought by Millionstarter โšœ๏ธ Doxxed team โšœ๏ธ Audit by TechRate โšœ๏ธ Whitepaper first edition will be released at 11th October โšœ๏ธ Project is VERY EARLY, PARTICIPATE IN PRIVATE SALE BY JOINING OUR TELEGRAM GROUP ๐Ÿ‘‘ PRIVATE SALE ONGOING ๐Ÿ‘‘ PRESALE BEGGINING 18TH NOVEMBER

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x5e9b7100ef06d4d1f1f187c7c6b169e376044307

Listing Date : 30 November, 2021

Website        : Millionstarter official website

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