Metaverse Invaders : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Metaverse Invaders


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Listing Date

2 Mar, 2022


0x702ee1c77f8bCb ...    

Metaverse Invaders Coin Informations

Metaverse Invaders description

Venturing out to create the healthiest meme economy on the Binance Smart Chain, Team Metaverse invaders introduces the latest and greatest meme coin MVI is going to become the official currency in a decentralized Metaverse. In this Metaverse you can conquer and colonize intire worlds. Players choose a faction and set out to achieve domination over the unknown universe through military force, diplomacy, espionage and economics. The interface is play in real-time. The worlds you conquer, colonize and rule will give you reward tokens. MVI Soon to be the newest and hottest meme coin to hit the Binance Smart Chain. Will you come along for the ride or be left in the dust? Capitalizing on the current hype. Metaverse Invaders is the perfect low market cap gem for the meme coin investors looking for a moonshot. ‍ Backed by some of the largest influencers in the cryptosphere, MVI is here to stay and will make waves! Join our Telegram and learn what we’re all about. Coming out of the box, MVI is deflationary, with All Token holders getting Rewarded

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x702ee1c77f8bCb1f0e7e425eDd3d0663a0bf455e

Listing Date : 2 March, 2022

Website        : Metaverse Invaders official website

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