META : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

1 Feb, 2022


0x6bb18d004804ac ...    

META Coin Informations

META description

Welcome to MetaSwap MetaSwap will be the #1 metaverse for yield farming. After your purchase you will be rewarded in BUSD. We will complete all farms in the coming days. In near future MetaSwap will change over to a fully automated decentralised exchange with fees cheaper then others! Making it a got to place for all developers to add there token liquidity. Yield farming is a way for people to generate passive income by providing liquidity, i.e. cryptocurrency deposits, to DeFi liquidity pools or staking pools. In short, users lock up their money into a participating DeFi app, and in exchange for this service the project automatically pays these “yield farmers” in crypto rewards over time. Meta is a fixed supply contract as its safer than having a mintable contract. No one likes a token that someone can just mint. Liquidity is locked for 12 mounth. After the token is unlocked we will moving over to our full automated decentralised exchange. Owner will be renounced in due time. 25% of tokens was burned. **Buy Tax** 1% Liquidity 3% Marketing 3% BUSD rewards 3% Development & Buyback **Sell Tax** 1% Liquidity 6% Marketing 4% BUSD rewards 10% Development & Buyback.

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x6bb18d004804ac14bb58117b6066f89ab83246b0

Listing Date : 1 February, 2022

Website        : META official website

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