HotBitDeal : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

21 Dec, 2021


0x0e6F2fA9D94989 ...    

HotBitDeal Coin Informations

HotBitDeal description

HotBitDeal is an Innovative platform of auction and bidding based on the smart contract for cryptocurrency. HotBitDeal will be the world's first crypto auction platform, with the winner determined by a minimum and unique bid algorithm. Our vision behind HBD token is crypto auction across the world, where the people not only can use this token for storing the value but also can go through the virtual auction which is safe, secure, and decentralized. Our project is based on the smart contract and decentralized way. HBD platform guarantees a timely and innovative way of managing your funds based on block chain. It is fast, secure and completes your bidding in fraction of a second. Maintaining transparency for bidders. You can place multiple bids (10 bid for a individual). Unique feature of Multiple Winners with their achieved rank. Automated and easiest way of bidding. Participant can bid openly against one another. With each subsequent bid, bidder required to place lower and unique bid other than somebody’s bid. HBD tokens will list on major crypto platform such as PancakeSwap, CoinMarketCap, Coingecko, DEXTools, PooCoin App, Coinsniper according to scheduled roadmap.

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x0e6F2fA9D9498922fB1d645a79003A0e82f28058

Listing Date : 21 December, 2021

Website        : HotBitDeal official website

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