EsportGame : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

18 Apr, 2022


0xa9a2589c230145 ...    

EsportGame Coin Informations

EsportGame description

EsportGame Token Live price data The live price of EsportGame Token today is 0.009019970645754898 USD. $esm It is down from the last trading day! We update our USD to esm every 10 minutes! EsportGame Has a Market Cap of 901,997 USD and is down % in the last 24H! What Is EsportGame (esm)? “Launched in 07/03/2022 by a team based in Indonesia, EsportGame ($ESM) is an E-sport tournament platform that’s built by Blockchain technology and Smart Contract-based. In this platform, you can make new friends, form a team, enter and win tournaments, and get prizes. The development of this platform is aimed to provide facilities for gamers around the world to form and build their e-sports team. Esportgame is expected to be the beginning of the formation of a world-class e-sport team. The basis of this platform uses smart contract technology so that it can provide convenience in transacting transparently and investing with an absolute system. $ESM will be the currency of this platform where participants register and get tournament prizes in the form of $ESM tokens. Token Company Address:: Jl.prembun No 29 Kaliwiro,wonosobo,jawa tengah,indonesia” What Is EsportGame (esm) contract address?? The contract address for the EsportGame is 0xa9a2589c2301456de4b100c79753e3b0bdd4a0dd and it can be found on bsc network.

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0xa9a2589c2301456de4b100c79753e3b0bdd4a0dd

Listing Date : 18 April, 2022

Website        : EsportGame official website

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