DayofDefeat () : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

18 November, 2021


0xc709878167ed06 ...    

DayofDefeat Coin Informations

DayofDefeat description

$DOD will cause a sensation in the cryptocurrency world. Both starting price and ending price are given in the project. The final price will exceed 11 million times than ICO price and it is determined by the rules and smart contract. No one can stop this crazy process. The smart contract code was open-source,and the security audit has passed and obtained high scores. The team token has been locked for 6 months, and the fund pool has been locked. It needs to meet one of three conditions before it can be opened. When it is opened, the amount in the fund pool will be as high as $100 million. DOD realizes tax revenue through the strong deflation model. Part of the tax is swapped into BUSD and enters the prize pool, and part is burned. 1,000,000 DOD would be burned while 1 BUSD entering the prize pool until 1 billion DOD left. At this time, the amount of BUSD in the prize pool reaches 100 million and the pool would be opened by the smart contract. All the investors who still holding DOD can exchange their DOD into BUSD freely. The exchange ratio is 1 DOD= 0.1BUSD

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0xc709878167ed069aea15fd0bd4e9758ceb4da193

Listing Date : 18 November, 2021

Website        : DayofDefeat official website

Whitepaper  :

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