Staynex (STAY) ICO Presale & Project Overview


Discover Staynex: Transforming travel with Web3 innovation and exclusive partnerships. Join the ICO presale

Token Price


Available For Presale




Total Tokens



  Blockchain Service


Own chain

Token Sale :

ended 1 month ago


Staynex pioneers a transformative approach to travel by seamlessly integrating Web3 innovation with the hospitality sector. This innovative platform operates on a Web2.5 strategy, fostering exclusive partnerships and corporate collaborations that deliver exceptional value and substantial savings on hotel and resort bookings.

Led by a team of seasoned hoteliers and Web3 experts, Staynex is committed to revolutionizing travel experiences. Leveraging cutting-edge OTA solutions, Staynex enhances sales and liquidity, shaping a dynamic landscape in the travel industry.

Discover the Staynex Advantage:

Experience up to 30% discounts on hotel bookings.
Seize opportunities with global brands.
Explore next-generation blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies.
Empower hotels with enhanced brand presence.
Leverage Staynex’s extensive global ecosystem partnerships.
Unlock the full potential of Web3 in the travel and hospitality sectors.

Staynex is redefining travel accessibility and innovation, offering unparalleled opportunities for travelers and industry stakeholders alike.


Ticker : STAY

Token type : own

Token Role : Blockchain Service

ICO Token Price : $0.00035

Fundraising Goal : $1,800,000

Total Tokens : 100,000,000,000 Token

Available for Token Sale : 1500000000

FAQ About Staynex (STAY) Project

Learn more about this project

To learn more about Staynex (STAY) project you can read their whitepapper, visit their website, channels or social media accounts:

  ICO Official Website
  Twitter Channnel
  Telegram Channnel
  Discord Community
  Medium Blog

When will the ico presale start

This ico presale will start on 25 July 2024 and it will end on 26 July 2024

Where can i buy this ico

To buy this ico you just need to visit Staynex official website, participate in the whitelist if it is required then wait for the presale date (25 July) and follow the steps.

Is it safe to invest in this project

If you're considering investing in an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), it's essential that you conduct your own research before making any decisions. While they offer exciting opportunities for investors, they also come with significant risks, including fraud, scams, and market volatility.

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