Wolf Town Wool : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Wolf Town Wool


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Listing Date

12 Feb, 2022


0xAA15535fd352F6 ...    

Wolf Town Wool Coin Informations

Wolf Town Wool description

On a quaint farm in the virtual world, a flock of sheep comes together to produce a healthy supply of $WTWOOL. They are huddled in a barn and regularly sheared by their owners to produce $WTWOOL. With more $WTWOOL, farmers can buy more sheep! But there is danger lurking outside, and sheep are afraid of wolves. Wolves are looking for sheep and their precious $WTWOOL. They will accept it in any way necessary. They will kidnap Sheep or catch them without knowing it and steal all their $WTWOOL. So the farmers made a deal with Wolves: they pay Wolves a tax on all $WTWOOL production. In return, wolves do not attack sheep that are safe in the barn. But when a sheep leaves the barn or a new sheep is born...the Wolves don't hold back. Wolftown is a self-sufficient economy with increasing utility over time. It demonstrates the possibility of interaction between ERC-20 and ERC-721 protocols and implements NFTs with updatable properties. For the first time, your NFT can steal other NFTs (ERC-721 tokens) for you. The higher your alpha, the higher the chances of a stolen NFT being assigned to you. The higher your combat skills, the more minted tokens you accumulate. Wolf Town is pioneering a new type of NFT mechanism. Fully decentralized, with centralized updatable properties.

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0xAA15535fd352F60B937B4e59D8a2D52110A419dD

Listing Date : 12 February, 2022

Website        : Wolf Town Wool official website

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