VNDC : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

13 Nov, 2021


0x1f3f677ecc58f6 ...    

VNDC Coin Informations

VNDC description

VNDC Token Live price data The live price of VNDC Token today is 0.000155689306912865 USD. $vndc It is down 0,00 from the last trading day! We update our USD to vndc every 10 minutes! VNDC Has a Market Cap of 39,564,445 USD and is down 0,00% in the last 24H! What Is VNDC (vndc)? “VNDC is a stablecoin of Vietnam Dong on the blockchain smart contract system, pegged to VND by the rate of 1:1, so that the price of digital currency assets could be stabilised. It is supported by sufficient cash and equivalent assets. VNDC is a stable digital currency system that is based on the ERC20 standard of Ethereum platform and BEP2 standard of Binance platform. Our vision is becoming a stable coin for Vietnamese community, backed by sufficient assets, and always on par with Vietnam Dong on 1:1 exchange rate. VNDC is not only a stable coin but as well as gateway supporting users to convert their fiat money to stable coin (and vise versa), in line with the global blockchain movements. VNDC is the first stable coin of Vietnam, and the first Stablecoin that offer staking at 12% annual rate. This system then can be utilised as a mechanism for trading and hedging in global crypto capital markets, as well as, preparation for the upcoming global stablecoin movements. VNDC consists of VNDC Reserve and VNDC Network. Commercial users, resellers and issuers are required to involve in VNDC Reserve or VNDC Network, and sufficiently backed all the issued tokens on a fully reserved basis. VNDC blockchain gateway can be found at VNDC Reserve and Network can be applied directly with VNDC or one of our key partners.” What Is VNDC (vndc) contract address?? The contract address for the VNDC is 0x1f3f677ecc58f6a1f9e2cf410df4776a8546b5de and it can be found on eth network.

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : eth

Contract       : 0x1f3f677ecc58f6a1f9e2cf410df4776a8546b5de

Listing Date : 13 November, 2021

Website        : VNDC official website

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