Save Gaza Token : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Save Gaza Token


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Listing Date

23 May, 2021


0x3E73c048023c2b ...    

Save Gaza Token Coin Informations

Save Gaza Token description

Save Gaza Token is Fair Launch community owned charity token on Binance Smart Chain. Total Supply - 1,000,000,000,000 10% Fees 4% Sent To Gaza Relief Fund 3% Burned 3% Distributed to Holders (Set Slippage to 12%) Mission - To help bring life back to normal for the helpless and innocent people of Gaza who got affected by the ongoing tensions in their Country. We work with different charity organizations and upload the proof of help that we do on our media channels. WHY GAZA NEEDS OUR HELP! The people of Gaza are having to deal with continuous nights of airstrikes due to ongoing conflict. Now is the time to help Gaza and its people. After many years of conflict, Palestinians still feel unsafe in their own country. The economy has been damaged by political instability and constant conflict. The blockades in Gaza cause chaos on a daily basis. We’re providing vital health care to help the people of Gaza to rebuild their lives.

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x3E73c048023c2be2cE204bc06aF2110D48b3430B

Listing Date : 23 May, 2021

Website        : Save Gaza Token official website

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