Pitquidity : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

1 Oct, 2021


0x0634194c04301e ...    

Pitquidity Coin Informations

Pitquidity description

Our mission at Pitquidity is to provide multiple layers of passive income to our holders in the form of low tax ETH and BNB volume rewards, passive income profits from revenue streaming investments (GALA, ENERGI and other node operations, liquidity pools reward tokens. etc) and speculation on $PITQD itself. The costs of trading $PITQD or any token Pitquidity created on Hardwood shall always be below the market average to ease the burden of our holders/traders of paying high taxes while incentivizing speculation trading by making entering and exiting a $PITQD position a pleasure, while rewarding holders with sustainable volume based rewards. The future of blockchain investing and Pitquidity holdings are getting extremely exciting as new blockchain assets are available to purchase for our holders such as royalty based Music NFT's and tokenized real world assets that can be easily bought and integrated into Pitquidity's portfolio making the weekly #Cascade (50% profit sharing to holders) an event that is such a spectacle that everyone can easily and should be a part of by just holding $PITQD on either the Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain as Pitquidity gives the option to holders. A big theme for Pitquidity is to #StayLiquid and low cost high return options are something we always seek to strive to find, and return back to our holders. ​ Sit back and let Bronx glide all of us to the moon in functionality and style. ​ ​

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x0634194c04301e76d42125f1296b35b6c8df212a

Listing Date : 1 October, 2021

Website        : Pitquidity official website

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