Night Life Crypto : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

13 Jun, 2021


0x86cbBEDCa621Ae ...    

Night Life Crypto Coin Informations

Night Life Crypto description

Night Life Crypto is a self-sustaining, all-on-chain gaming platform with zero fees for each game transaction, where users are able to stake liquidity. The NLIFE Gaming Platform brings several technical and strategic "firsts” to the online and blockchain gaming industry. NLIFE achieved these by harnessing the unique properties of Turtle Network in combination with the liquidity options on Pancakeswap.

Our second layer solution, Turtle Network, allows us to provide users with instant confirmation times for bets and results, as well as allow zero fees for each game transaction. This remarkable distinguishing feature simulating real life gaming experiences. Users start by purchasing tokens on Pancakeswap and sending them to their gaming wallet.

In the backend, BSC NLIFE tokens will be converted to tokens on Turtle Network and users are ready to play. When withdrawing tokens to your BSC wallet, gas fees are paid in NLIFE instead of BNB. This feature simplifies transactions so that the user does not have hold BNB for withdrawals.

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x86cbBEDCa621Ae78a421A40365081cAafDA24296

Listing Date : 13 June, 2021

Website        : Night Life Crypto official website

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