MoonWorthy : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

31 Aug, 2021


0xCbE3c8aAFACFff ...    

MoonWorthy Coin Informations

MoonWorthy description

Hyper-Deflationary. Community built & driven. Created to promote altruism and caritative actions, purposeful projects, non profit organizations & social movements. ​MOONWIII token holders benefit from passive rewards through static reflection, auto liquidity and automatic burns with every transaction. Anti-whale mechanisms built into the contract stop the supply from being controlled by single individuals or small groups. No wallet will be able to own more than 5% of the supply and only 5% max transactions allowed per wallet.  We will use the funds we raise in our Charity/Marketing/Project Development wallets to give away monthly donations to candidates selected by the investors. The investors and community members will participate by scouting cases in their surrounding areas. They would then nominate their cases for review by the rest of the community. Every month we will select one or two cases by way of voting. So... Why MoonWorthy? Because with us you will not only grow your investment in reflexions by holding but you will also accumulate great karma and contribute to the change we all wish to see. 100% SAFE? MOONWIII Liquidity will be locked every 3 Years by Mudra.Website. Anti Whale system that will not allow any wallet to hold more than 5% of the total supply and the max transactions allowed per wallet is also 5%. Dev & project wallets are displayed below for easy tracking. Ownership will not be renounced so we can make changes to the contract as needed. MoonWorthy will belong to the community. Your Ideas will develop this project and help it evolve. The community will decide how the money is used. Holders will have total control of their assets. We are dedicated to 100% community transparency.​

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0xCbE3c8aAFACFffc0fd9CFC0e6221390B21f95de1

Listing Date : 31 August, 2021

Website        : MoonWorthy official website

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