Metaverse-DAO : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

30 Apr, 2022


0x6195D22d416E2D ...    

Metaverse-DAO Coin Informations

Metaverse-DAO description

Welcome to join Metaverse-DAO in the early stage of the project. The contarct has been autidaudited by SolidProof. We have summarised key information for you to learn more about the project.
What is Metaverse-DAO?
It is a platform relying on blockchain technology. We are currently developing Metaverse-based decentralized games, NFTs and DAPPs.
Our mission is to build strong virtual worlds (part of the metaverse), create really fun games and Dapps, combine the advantages of non-homogenized tokens (NFT) and decentralized finance (DeFi) to bring liquidity mining (tokens and NFT) to its game economy, including play to earn, and manage all the projects and assets with our community members, allowing token holders to share the profits. Metaverse-DAO is an autonomous community where any player can take part in the governance to decide the future of the product.
It is imporamt to allow players to gain profit. It is also important to keep delevoping games that players would enjoy playing, otherwise it will not be able to generate sustained value. Building good games are essential which will be shown on our first game launch on the platform soon. The Game and NFT are expected to be launched within the next 2 months. Before that, please watch the video to know more about us

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x6195D22d416E2D2c7C4A883c977Dd9Bfd4e65432

Listing Date : 30 April, 2022

Website        : Metaverse-DAO official website

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