Internet Money : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Internet Money


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Listing Date

1 Dec, 2021


0xac5D23cE5e4a5e ...    

Internet Money Coin Informations

Internet Money description

About Internet Money Internet Money (IM) was created to serve as a form of peer to peer "digital cash". The contract is simple: you can buy, sell and trade IM. Internet Money has no admin keys, no taxes and is deflationary. Our mission is to onboard new users into crypto, through PulseChain. We will create an infrastructure for mobile and desktop PulseChain wallets. Internet Money currently runs on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and PulseChain testnet. You can currently purchase IM on BSC via PancakeSwap. Internet Money was launched on November 29th, 2021. Internet Money overcomes a major hurdle in the crypto space: complexity. There are many incredible projects that exist in our space, most come with their fair share of complexity. Many have been onboarded into crypto through Internet Money due to its simplicity. It was the project that finally gave them the “ah-ha!” moment. The crypto space appears to be void of this simplistic, palatable on-boarding experience. We aim to bridge that gap. Not only will we onboard people into crypto, we will make their first experience simple and for that experience to be on PulseChain. We will do our part in strengthening the PulseChain eco-system and user base.

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0xac5D23cE5e4a5eB11A5407a5FBeE201a75E8C8aD

Listing Date : 1 December, 2021

Website        : Internet Money official website

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