Floki Frunk Puppy Coin Store : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Floki Frunk Puppy Coin Store


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Listing Date

5 Oct, 2021


0x136bf8e3770290 ...    

Floki Frunk Puppy Coin Store Coin Informations

Floki Frunk Puppy Coin Store description

Thanks to a platform thought to offer the simplest and easiest use to everyone, floki-frunkpuppy will enable a better democratization to access crypto related performances. Usually reserved for insiders, trading is now accessible to all those who want to make their savings work for them with efficiency. Floki Frunk Poppy is a project we started with the intention to grant a safe and nice ride to the stars. We got sick of rug-pulls and scams in this ocean rugs, we offer you a seat on one of the hottest rockets in the game. Our main goal is to create an marketplace accessories dog for coins just like this one. The project is a way of giving the community, something they can put money in later on and get something back from it like a special Accessories award

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x136bf8e37702906a15cb1ae12de939c10ab59a18

Listing Date : 5 October, 2021

Website        : Floki Frunk Puppy Coin Store official website

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