FamilyParty : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

1 Apr, 2022


0xf080021c07fb6f ...    

FamilyParty Coin Informations

FamilyParty description

FamilyParty Token Live price data The live price of FamilyParty Token today is 0.127820848501106143 USD. $fpc It is up 3,37% from the last trading day! We update our USD to fpc every 10 minutes! FamilyParty Has a Market Cap of 127,768,445 USD and is up 3,47% in the last 24H! What Is FamilyParty (fpc)? “FamilyParty is a game integration platform that integrates Metaverse 、NFTand GameFi, and leads players to experience Metaverse through various games. FamilyPartyCoin (FPC) is the only governance token on the platform. FPC holders can participate in the governance of the game ecology on the platform. We hope that FamilyParty will become a platform that is truly governed by the community. FPC is the base currency of independent game products. When a new game is released, FPC can be used to purchase the NFT mystery box of the new game. The overall mechanism of FPC is a deflation model, and the NFT trading market will charge transaction fees to repurchase and destroy FPC. The IDO module of the platform will introduce a pledge system. Users need to pledge a certain amount of FPC to obtain different identity levels, so as to obtain corresponding IDO quotas.” What Is FamilyParty (fpc) contract address?? The contract address for the FamilyParty is 0xf080021c07fb6f55a5f2954ce8f11cedb25821ee and it can be found on bsc network. How much FamilyParty is in circulation? The circulating supply of $fpc is 1000000000 and it has a total supply of 1000000000 tokens. The tokens are available on the BSC network.

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0xf080021c07fb6f55a5f2954ce8f11cedb25821ee

Listing Date : 1 April, 2022

Website        : FamilyParty official website

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