CrazyDogeInu : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

7 Feb, 2022


0x6a2607D1087c16 ...    

CrazyDogeInu Coin Informations

CrazyDogeInu description

Hi! My name is Vlad. I am a crypto mentor and investor, as well as the co-founder and CEO of the 'CrazyDogeInu' project. CrazyDogeInu was born on 7th of February 2022 solely for education purposes for my YouTube channel( Then something happened… something no one expected – people loved it! My community confided how tired they were of paying high ETH gas fees, and how hard is to get good NFTs without breaking the kid’s piggy bank. At that point we realized that we have created something amazing… something with a big potential... and we did it from scratch. The ideas started to flow. We bounced from one idea to another until we all agreed on creating a Giveaway Raffle with NFTs as rewards. We took our time to make the idea simple and accessible for everyone out there – you just buy a NFT from the specific level, which by the way is a wonderful and collectible NFT by itself, and with that NFT you will get automatically in a draw, where you will have the chance to win a random NFT from one of our collections. Each collection will contain 5 NFTs and each NTF will contain only 30 items. That sums up to exactly 150 NFTs per collection. Pretty unique, huh? But wait, that’s not all…

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x6a2607D1087c16f435537B1d64d436C92D4960BB

Listing Date : 7 February, 2022

Website        : CrazyDogeInu official website

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