Baby Moon Wolf : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Baby Moon Wolf


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Baby Moon Wolf Price Chart









Listing Date

19 Jun, 2021


0x5b5a3a45002736 ...    

Baby Moon Wolf Coin Informations

Baby Moon Wolf description

Baby Moon Wolf is a community driven, fair launched DeFi Token. 5% of all transactions will be redistributed to the community, rewarding long-term holders. To ensure constant liquidity Baby Wolf has been designed to add 2% of all transactions towards the liquidity pool. We have seen coins with weak development that are unable to keep up. One's with weak leadership that are unable to handle criticism. And others with weak communities that were able to be taken advantage of. Baby Moon Wolf was made to be the Dogecoin & Shiba killer. Moon Wolves are known for their intelligence & sharpness. They are strong, swift, and stealthy. Baby Moon Wolf was designed to be the coin that stands on its feet and is able to strike in the blink of an eye. he coin that is able to catch its opponents off guard. The coin that is able to outsmart & outperform.

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x5b5a3a45002736413613b8a4c46cc0d9d1d6f4ae

Listing Date : 19 June, 2021

Website        : Baby Moon Wolf official website

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