Aeon colony : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Aeon colony Price Chart









Listing Date

8 Feb, 2022


0x9a8c2c5ce1825a ...    

Aeon colony Coin Informations

Aeon colony description

Our space shuttle has orbited the earth since the year 2045. My face is warmed by the light. I can smell wildflowers and see trees all around me. It's just stunning. I'm not trapped in space right now. I have the impression that I am on the surface of the planet. I can't get enough of wondering what life was like down there! on the world we formerly referred to as "home" A story driven game Our story line is based very loosly on a popular book/TV Series, making some of the storyline familiar and also surpising at the same time! A survival game Play for hours with our unique survival elements, find new materials and craft new buildings to help you survive the post nuclear world. Immersive soundtrack We have a few famous composers and a few indie composers lined up to produce unique soundtracks. Multiplayer Multiplayer support will be added soon after the game is released from early alpha

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0x9a8c2c5ce1825ae33ca27b598849744bf8e30fdc

Listing Date : 8 February, 2022

Website        : Aeon colony official website

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