2K Finance : Price, Info & Live Chart

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Listing Date

3 Mar, 2021


0xae1e69BBd3DC0c ...    

2K Finance Coin Informations

2K Finance description

About us: 2K Finance is a revolutionary and deflationary DeFi powerhouse, built on the Binance Smart Chain. We specialize in helping investors generate passive income through an optimally structured financial loop. Our investors have made it possible to continuously host and operate the multi-token 2K Finance ecosystem. We are grateful for everyone who is a part of our community and will continue to offer new value added services, as we continue to grow. Both tokens from 2K Finance ($TWOK + $DXM) will be tradeable on 3 DEX’s (Pancakeswap – FEGex – ApeSwap) and thereby fuel the trading volume with extraordinary arbitrage opportunities. We welcome other blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiasts to contribute and partake in the 2K loop of wealth generation. **2K Finance is open to 3rd party KYC with exchanges/partnerships** Tokenomics: Name: 2K Finance Ticker: TWOK Launch: Fair Total Supply: 2,000 1.00% Tax on all TWOK transactions 0.90% Vault Emissions Wallet 0.10% Burn Forever Contract Renounced

Coin Summary

Ticker           :

Chain            : bsc

Contract       : 0xae1e69BBd3DC0c470ce4Ba28794753cdfdeC7452

Listing Date : 3 March, 2021

Website        : 2K Finance official website

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